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 XML Interview Questions & Answers

Q : How can u create an XML file?

A : It is a quite easy to create, can create by the plain text editor like notepad or by .net model using so many in built methods like XmlTextWriter etc.

Q  : What is  a XML Namespace?

A : Defining a namespace to avoid the confusion involves using a prefix and adding an xmlns attribute to the tag to give the prefix a qualified name associated with the namespace. All the child elements with the same prefix are associated with the namespace defined in the start tag of an element.

Q : What’s the difference between SAX parser and DOM parser?

A : SAX parser - works incrementally and generate the events that are passed to the application. It does not generate data representation of xml content so some programming is required. However, it provides the stream processing and partial processing which cannot be done alone by DOM parser.
DOM parser - reads the whole XML document and returns a DOM tree representation of xml document. It provides a convenient way for reading, analyzing and manipulating XML files. It is not well a suited for the large xml files, as it always reads the whole file before processing.

Q  : Describe the differences between XML and HTML?

A  : XML :
• User definable tags
• Content driven End tags required for well formed documents
• Quotes required around attributes values
• Slash required in empty tags
• Defined set of tags designed for web display
• Format driven
• End tags not required
• Quotes not required
• Slash not  required

Q : What is DOM?

A  : The Document Object Model (DOM) is an interface specification maintained by the W3C DOM Workgroup that defines is  an application independent mechanism
to access, parse, or update XML data. In the simple terms it is a hierarchical model that allows developers to manipulate XML documents easily.

Q :Why is XML such an important development?

A : XML  removes the two constraints which were holding the back Web developments: dependence on a single, inflexible document type (HTML); the complexity of full SGML.

Q : What is a XPointer?

A : XPointer is a set of recommendations developed by the W3C. The core recommendations are the XPointer Framework which provides an extensible addressing behavior for fragment identifiers in XML media types.
XPointer gains its extensibility through the XPointer Framework, which identifies the syntax and processing architecture for XPointer expressions and through an extensible set of XPointer addressing schemes. These schemes, e.g., element() or xpointer(), are actually QNames. The xmlns() scheme makes it possible for an XPointer to declare namespace bindings and thereby the use third-party schemes as readily as W3C defined XPointer schemes.

Q : What is the three essential components of security does the XML Signatures provide?

A : Authentication, message integrity, and non-repudiation. In addition to signature information, an XML Signature can also contain the information describing the key used to sign the content.

Q :What’s  an XML namespace prefix?

A : An XML namespace prefix is a prefix used to specify that a local element type or attribute name is in a particular XML namespace.

Q : Why is XML such an important development?

A : XML removes the two constraints which were holding back Web developments:
1. Dependence on a single, inflexible document type (HTML) which was being much abused for tasks it was never designed for;
2. The complexity of full SGML, whose syntax allows many powerful but hard-to-program options.
XML allows the flexible development of user-defined document types. It provides a robust, non-proprietary, persistent, and verifiable file format for the storage and the transmission of text and data both on and off the Web, and it’s remove the more complex options of SGML, making it easier to program for.





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