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Q QoS Quality of service. An indicator of the performance of a transmission system on the Internet and other networks. QoS is me...
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1. OverTheWire: The wargames offered by the OverTheWire community can help you to learn and practice security concepts in the form of fun-...
L L-Band In electrical systems, portion of the radio frequency spectrum, 950 MHz to 2050 MHz, used in satellite, microwave and GPS...
A A-D Conversion Analog-to-digital conversion. A-D conversion is a process in which an analog signal is modified into a digital signal...
C Your search wasn't found, if you would like more information about it or have some definition added please co ntact us C Band ...
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Rajinikanth's next after the release of Kochadaiiyaan is known to be the film by KS Ravikumar, there are reports saying that t...
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